Over 17 Years of Tutoring Support in Montreal
Find New Ways to Measure Progress
Our Services
Our group classes are made up of 8 students so there is a perfect balance of group learning and each individual student receiving the care and attention they need. We have tutors with expertise in teaching English, French, Mathematics, Science, History and more!
Many students simply don’t have the means or time to travel to our physical location. For these students we provide 1-on-1 online tutoring. Whether it’s preparing for an exam or understanding your homework better, you can learn from the comfort of your own home with expert tutors.
For students who need extra attention to improve their foundation and work on tricky problems, A1 Tutorial provides 1-on-1 private tutoring. We ensure our tutors focus on the weakness of the individual student, help them tackle complicated problems through proven systems and be a form of moral support for the student.
With over 17 years of experience, we know what students should expect from High School Admission Exams, how to best prepare for them and how to get through the entire process with ease.
Our Values
We strongly believe that showing our students the respect they deserve and treating them all like equals truly impacts their journey at our learning center and builds stronger ties with our tutors and each other.
Our learning centre started with the acute need to serve the immigrant, newcomer families that make up the neighbourhood and provide relief to hard-working parents by helping their children perform at school.
Our Montreal based tutors work very hard to stimulate minds but also build lasting trust with our students so that they can open up to us and let us help them face difficulties and find solutions to problems togethers.
A1 Tutorial is a centre where students from diverse countries, different parts of the city, and different schools come together to strive to improve their confidence and performance at school. Whether you need a math tutor, English tutor, French tutor or help with any other subject, we make everyone feel welcomed.